3501 N Lakewood Blvd, Long Beach CA 90808


No hidden fuel surcharges or fees here. What you see is what you pay.
All rates are wet, and we reimburse fuel up to the current fuel rates at Long Beach, CA.

Cessna 152 II - 2 Seat Aircraft $135 p/hr

Cessna 152 II - Instrument Trainer $150 N4631B

This Cessna 152 is a unique opportunity for advanced instrument training. It features dual Garmin G5 digital displays and a touchscreen Garmin GTX 650XI system, providing an exceptional training platform at significant cost savings. Ideal for those looking to get through their instrument training.

Cessna 172 - 4 Seat Aircraft

N2235V $195/hour

G1000 WAAS and air conditioning for those hot summer days!  

Safe taxi, XM weather, XM Music, music input, front seat airbags, and leather interior.


This is a very clean and very well-equipped 4-seater aircraft.

N65537 Cessna 172S Aces High Aviation
N65537 Panel Aces High Aviation

N65537 $185/hour


2004 was the final year that Cessna offered standard instrumentation, so we have the best-equipped steam gauge Skyhawk available.


It has a leather interior, a KLN 94B GPS, a large King MFD, and a KAP140 autopilot with altitude hold in this 4-seater aircraft. 


Da-42 Twinstar Long Beach KLGB Twin Training Multiengine

Diamond Twinstar DA-42 – N742SA $450/hour

This beautiful aircraft cruises in excess of 170 Kts with a modern G1000 Avionics package! Ready to go for all your airline hour requirements!


The Diamond star has it’s own page dedicated to training 

Redbird MCX AATD Full Motion Simulator


This amazing full motion MCX advanced training device will help you in all stages of our training.


It really shines and can save you a lot of money while providing unmatched high quality training for your instrument, commercial, and ATP ratings.


This device has panels to replicate the G1000 C172 as well as analog gauges and a setup very similar to our C172 S model.


With all the optional extras, this device is one of the world’s best general aviation training simulators.

Boeing Stearman PT-17 - 2 Seat Aircraft

This WWII Biplane is simply a thrill to fly. The open cockpit rush is simply incredible.


The Stearman has a dedicated page as seen in the link below.


Stearman demo flights are $350 per 45 minutes